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Tutoring at the Steamboat Campus and Beyond!: Home

Tutoring at Steamboat - In-Person and Online

FREE tutoring is available for most subjects and all of our CMC students can take advantage of this amazing resource. 


WHO:  If you are a CMC student, you can take advantage of FREE tutoring!!  ESL, dual enrollment/CEPA, online or in-person students - you are all able to use the free tutoring!

WHAT:  Welcome to tutoring at the Steamboat Campus! 

WHERE:  Tutoring happens in the Steamboat Campus Library on the third floor of Bristol Hall in Rooms 320 and 321.  

WHY: Get better grades and make it easier on yourself and come see our great tutors!

WHEN:  We offer in-person tutoring several days of the week and if the times that we offer tutoring do not work with your schedule, let Libby know and we will try to figure out a solution that works for all of us.

HOW:  Tutoring is done on a drop in basis - if you see that tutoring is being offered, just come into the Library or jump online to take advantage!  Click here for the schedule for the CMC online tutors, and come by the Library to see the most current version of the in-person tutoring schedule for the Steamboat Campus.



(or just stop by and ask us your question!)

Staff, Help & More

Tracey Hughes
Library Director

Jonathan Beam
Instructional Reference Librarian

Libby Foster
Tutoring Coordinator

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